Show Me Your Stats! - Chapter 6
Chapter 6
300 people! At first glance it seemed like a lot, but that amount could be chipped away steadily over a couple of days if he continued to use this skill. If he were to compare this number to the grindy quests he used to complete…well… It wasn’t too much. Ayra, whose heart suddenly became generous, began to hug Pebble, gently patting it. ‘Aww, what a good spirit. Our nice Pebble.’ The flattened pebble quickly returned to its original state with a popping noise; in high spirits, it raised its gravel-sized fist into the air.
Now that the quests appeared, Ayra’s plans to return to his bedroom for a quick nap had suddenly changed. There were many things to experiment with this awakened ability.
Ayra was a bit excited–it’s been a long time since he had such a fresh, new thing to study. “Could I possibly pull up the stat window even if they aren’t within my sights? If not, what’s the required conditions for the subject to be registered as ‘in view?’ Would it be impossible to bring up the window when I close my eyes even if they’re right in front of me? If the ability isn’t sight-dependent, could it also function through voice? If so, this could be the case to prove the parallel-dualism theory that mana doesn’t require a physical source. A new thesis direction! What do you think, pebble-ah?”1 The -ah suffix denotes intimacy or fondness. Usually used between friends, family, or to pets.
Pebble blankly opened its mouth in a triangular shape and shook its fists. It probably meant to cheer him on. Ayra immediately proceeded with the experiment, clearly summarizing the process and results of his tests in a written report.
- Purpose of the experiment
– Explore the activation conditions, range, and use-time of Solar Xing Ayra’s awakening magic: ‘Stat Window’
- Related experimental theory
– Parallel-ontology of mana 2 Ontology is the way one views the world and its reality. For example, western culture often views humans through a lens of mind-body Cartesian dualism ontology, meaning that the body and soul is separate. Some other cultures don’t have this ontology–they view the body and soul as mixed. When one gets a heart transplant, they become a fundamentally different person.
– Delpestofra’s Magical wavelength chain theory 3 I believe this is supposed to be a reference to Physics string theory
- Experiment Methodology
(1) Target the citizens of Solar territory with the awakened magic.
(2) The experiment will end when 90% of mana is consumed.
- Test Results
(1) 5 knights, observed while they were training at the rightmost tower on the 4th floor of the castle.
–Special note: A knight named Bloom looked at me while I checked his stat window. It’s unknown whether or not he noticed the use of the skill.
(2) One citizen, observed at the central tower on the castle’s 5th floor.
–Special note: Though I could barely distinguish the shape as a human being, the stat window still manifested.
(3) Hess Lu Ginas, observed in the corridor of the main building.
–Special Note: I’ve been warned not to tear off the stone bricks again…Let’s try again after I become the lord.
(12) Artificial Spirit – Pebble
–Special Note: Stat window does not appear. It’s so round and cute. It would be even more beautiful if floating tentacles were attached. 4 Ummm??? Ayra????
(13) Observer – Solar Xing Ayra
HP: ???
Physical Attack: ???
Magical Attack: ???
Affection: ???? <3
Special Note: Why can’t I see my own stats? Is it because there’s no point of comparison? Long term observation through level-ups is required.
- Considerations
(1) A telescope is needed to use the ability on more distant targets
(2) Further observations are needed to determine whether or not the other party is aware that the ‘Stat Window’ ability is being used on them.
(3) Further observations are needed to explore the variables involved in small differences in mana consumption for each individual.
- Conclusion
(1) The formula for mana power consumption according to the increase of people observed is as follows:
(2) Mana is consumed to maintain the stat window, but it is almost negligible since only trace amounts of power are consumed.
(3) There is no increase in mana consumption following greater distances to target.
(4) Even when not actively checking the stat window, tiny amounts of mana are consumed intermittently.
(28) The magic skill I obtained through enlightenment was not [Data organization] but actually [Mind reading].
After writing the reports on his observational experiment, Ayra kept the findings in his extradimensional space 5 think, inventory space. While he had been happy for a brief moment, a shadow fell over his face. The more he researched, the stronger he felt that this ability should never be revealed to anyone. He knew for certain after experimenting.
His enlightenment gave him [Mind reading] magic.
In other words, he literally had the ability to sift through another’s mind.
At first, he thought his ability might be simply to visually organize and archive all the things he’d experienced. That alone would be a useful skill. However, as he checked others’ stat windows several times, he soon came to correct his misunderstanding. The stat windows would accurately inform the first and last names of those that Ayra had never seen before. Because…
‘Because I extract information from the minds of my targets.’
The decisive evidence was the existence of the ‘Affection’ stat. How could one know how much another likes them without the ability to read their mind?
‘This is truly a dangerous ability.’ Ayra thought, his excitement soon cooling. Enlightenment magic, in the first place, granted abilities that transcended human capabilities. According to the records, there were mages that could foretell prophecies or raise the dead for a few minutes–the ability to read minds was definitely possible.
He just couldn’t believe any of that happened to him–that’s all.
He could only recall vague memories of his own enlightenment–the discomfort he felt that could not be matched by any other experience; did he unconsciously create an artificial spirit–a medium for his awakened magic?
The ability to read people’s minds will never be a pleasant or happy experience. It was human nature to be hurt by pointed criticisms or gossip directed at oneself. Furthermore, it would be a terrible experience to look inside someone’s honest heart. Ayra didn’t think his mentality was strong enough to handle it.
In conclusion, he could only guess that he had unconsciously created the artificial spirit and transferred his memories and abilities to it after sensing the potential crisis of a mental collapse following his enlightenment.
Ayra looked at the spirit lazily floating in front of him, “I’m correct, right?”
The fact that his own stat window could manifest meant that the artificial spirit could read Ayra’s thoughts. Pebble shook up and down, as if it were nodding its head.
This artificial could be considered, for all intents and purposes, a filter–a filter that sifts through the outpouring minds of others, restricting its random thought processes and showing only the information that wouldn’t make the mage go crazy.
Since it was born just recently, it could only show things like names. Ayra couldn’t help but think, despite the fact that it was his own creation, how interesting an object of study Pebble would become as its level rises. Moreover, the spirit would be wholly beneficial in managing the estate.
Ayra, who thought that he would never run out of potential research material for the foreseeable future, smiled brightly. Seeing that smile, Pebble trembled involuntarily.
“Shinjae, can I come in?” Ayra asked politely, knocking at the door. Shinjae was Ayra’s personal guest. Since he had even attended the funeral, he could at least take care of him and make sure the guest suffered no inconveniences.
The young lord was given immediate permission to enter. When he opened the door and entered, Shinjae looked up, closing the covers on the book he was reading.
Ayra asked in a sweet, friendly tone, “How are you? Nothing’s bothering you?”
“It’s perfect living conditions. Thanks.”
“You came this far with me–it’s me who should be thankful.”
…By the way, as a fellow mage, you haven’t collected any ‘samples’ right?
“Is the food to your taste? You aren’t cold?”
“The food suits me very well. It is a bit cold, but I can handle it. But you…look a little cold.” Shinjae glanced Ayra, who was wearing very thick clothes, up and down before giving him a slightly pitying look. Actually, it wasn’t just Shinjae–almost everyone in the castle gave Ayra a similar look.
After lightly clicking his tongue, Shinjae suddenly turned his gaze to Pebble sitting on Ayra’s shoulder. “By the way, are you casting magic on me right now?”
“Yeah, do you feel something?”
“I don’t particularly feel anything, but your magic’s moving, isn’t it?”
Perhaps Shinjae originally had no surname, his stat window was no different from when Ayra first saw it. He supposed the ability didn’t feel any different to a mage. Ayra, who was able to obtain good information, smiled brightly; Shinjae squinted his eyes. Ayra turned away slightly, pretending not to notice such scrutiny.
“Anyway, you’ve experimented on me before too.” Ayra said.
“Well, you’re not wrong…” Shinje slurred, perhaps thinking back to the time Ayra had to lie calmly in the bathtub until the magically crafted gills faded. “It’s not like you’ve never experimented on others before? Don’t you remember when you fed Arak the ‘health drink’ that you said you received from your childhood estate?”
“Yeah, his skin became transparent so we could see his intestines. But, I mean, isn’t that also beneficial for health check-ups?”
“The problem was that it didn’t just become transparent–it disappeared completely. Arak almost died then.”
Ayra, licking his lips, finally couldn’t endure and burst into laughter; he recalled all sorts of bizarre and entertaining side effects of their magic experiments.
Eventually, Shinjae also laughed squeakily, “Hehe, that was really funny though. If it weren’t for the drug, Arak might have thought it was some visceral intestinal inversion. What an idiot.”
“He might have been born that way, but his intelligence must be the side effect of previous experiments. And what do you mean he almost died! It’s just that his skin became transparent, and so he looked very bloody.”
Since most people in the Labyrinth mages, the experimental subjects were naturally other mages or the magic user themselves. There was a prevailing attitude that everyone was each other’s test subjects–it was not enough for only one person to suffer. Occasionally, when the side effects were so serious that juniors could not deal with them, a senior mage would rush to fix them and give the experimenters a slap on the hand. However, even with that punishment, the mages would often plan their next magical experiment.
Recalling pleasant memories of living in the Labyrinth, Ayra asked, “That’s that. Anyway, when are you planning on returning?”
“Mm, I’d like to rest a bit more before leaving; it’s been nice to take a break after such a long time. It’s my first time in such a cold region, so it feels quite different.”
“Stay as long as you’d like….Ah, that’s right.” Ayra took out a feather pen and a piece of paper from his extradimensional space and wrote something down. It was a temporary permit that allowed free access to wander around the castle.
“There are many books worth reading in the estate library; if you’re feeling bored, please stop by.”
“Thank you friend–you came through just as I needed it.”
Friend…Shinjae accompanied him all the way to the funeral; there was no need to deny that–and he had a lot of affection for the other mage anyway–so Ayra simply smiled and replied “Alright.”
TL: Looking back at my translations… Honestly, this pseudoscience is hard and a pain to TL T_T
Footnotes Section
- 1: The -ah suffix denotes intimacy or fondness. Usually used between friends, family, or to pets.
- 2: Ontology is the way one views the world and its reality. For example, western culture often views humans through a lens of mind-body Cartesian dualism ontology, meaning that the body and soul is separate. Some other cultures don’t have this ontology–they view the body and soul as mixed. When one gets a heart transplant, they become a fundamentally different person.
- 3: I believe this is supposed to be a reference to Physics string theory
- 4: Ummm??? Ayra????
- 5: think, inventory space.
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